Psychosexual Evaluations: What Are They and How Do They Work

psychosexual evaluations

If you have been labeled a sex offender or might be, now is the time to seek a psychosexual evaluation. We are going to talk in-depth about this type of psychological testing and how it can be treated.

What Is a Psychosexual Evaluation?

Generally, a psychosexual evaluation is used when a person is going to be tried for sexual misconduct issues. This evaluation includes an assessment of your sexual and social history. It can also be used to determine paraphilic and deviant interests, as well as your risk of reoffending at a later time.

Psychosexual evaluations can help individuals to understand their own sexual development and function, identify any areas of concern, and develop coping strategies. They can also be used to assess the impact of sexual trauma or other mental health conditions on a person’s sexuality.

It’s used to identity treatment recommendations and help you come up with the right plan for treatments. Such evaluations are only performed by state-certified providers.

Who Needs One?

A PSE is a tool your attorney uses to your advantage. If you are being tried for any sexual misconduct, it is important to note what your sexual interests are, as well as your sexual history. The only way to legally do this is through the PSE.

If you have already been sentenced for a sexual offense, you are sure to have one of these evaluations as part of the sentencing process. However, it’s usually best to have one before a verdict is rendered.

Psychosexual Evaluation – Step-by-step Overview:

  1. Intake: The therapist will first meet with the individual to discuss their reasons for seeking an evaluation. This will help the therapist to understand the individual’s concerns and goals.
  2. History: The therapist will then ask the individual about their sexual history, including their childhood experiences, relationships, and sexual practices.
  3. Assessment: The therapist will use a variety of methods to assess the individual’s psychosexual functioning, including interviews, questionnaires, and psychological tests.
  4. Feedback: The therapist will then provide the individual with feedback on their evaluation, including any areas of concern and recommendations for treatment.

When’s the Best Time to Start?

Generally, you should start the PSE the moment you obtain an attorney for help with a sexual offense case of any kind. It can be used to determine if your psychological and sexual functioning are correct, as well as whether there is a mental health issue that might need to be addressed. Often, attorneys can use these evaluations to disprove information or request lesser sentences.

Your lawyer should prepare you for the psychosexual evaluation. Otherwise, you could make mistakes that might affect the way your psychosexual history is interpreted.

Questions about your sexual history can include your fantasies, behaviors, and urges. Early experiences might be considered, as well as how many sexual relationships you’ve had previously. Sexual orientation and gender identity can also come into play.

You are going to be asked if you have sexual arousal from anything deviant. Of course, being sexually abused is also a reason for psychosexual dysfunction. If this has happened to you, those questions are going to showcase things in the right light.


There are many benefits of having a psychosexual evaluation. If you have been charged with child pornography, child molestation, rape, voyeurism, or indecent exposure, you could use the PSE to help your case. Generally, with this information on file, you may not have to register to be a sex offender, or you may only have to do so for a short time.

PSEs can also be used to show that you’re a low risk to your community. If you seek online counseling and other treatments because of the PSE, you can be shown as amenable. Specialized sex offender treatments have a good chance at being successful.

Also, PSEs can show that you don’t have an extensive history of offensive behavior. Therefore, the offense might be isolated and isn’t going to happen again. Of course, there are many ways that a PSE can benefit you, and you should discuss them with your attorney.

Online vs. In-person

There are both online and in-person counselors available to help with sexually deviant behavior. It is up to you to decide which one is right for you. Some people worry about talking to someone face-to-face. Embarrassment and the need to travel are two primary concerns. Online treatments can be just as effective when you select the right counselor.

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How Does It Work

Psychosexual evaluations can be a tool utilized by the court to get more information about an individual. There are multiple pieces of information gathered and integrated throughout the process. The interview takes between three and four hours, and the evaluator focuses on a person’s sexual history and the root for the concerning behavior. Topics can include sexual behaviors, development, attitudes, adjustment, and fantasies. Information sources can include victim statements, police reports, school records, interviews from others, and much more. If an adolescent is having an evaluation, the parents could also be interviewed. The assessment looks at sex-offender-specific issues, as well as measures sexual interests, arousal, and preferences.

How to Choose the Right Online Counselor

It’s important that the online counselor handles your type of case. Make sure they understand sexual deviancy and related issues. You may need treatments multiple times per week. Therefore, they should be ready and available when you require them. Often, your medical insurance covers some – if not all – your therapy. Consequently, you’ve got to work with an approved therapist.

Look for Reviews

Once you’ve found one or two counselors, it’s ideal to get reviews from other sources. You can read online reviews from forums, the website, and many other locations.


If your psychosexual history has come into question, now might be the time to look for online therapists. Appropriate treatment can prevent any future issues and help you deal with any legal complications now.