Protocol for in vitro isolation, induction, expansion, and determination of human natural regulatory T cells and induced regulatory T cells

1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

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Qing Shao

1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

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Jinren Zhou

1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

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Qiuyang Chen

1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

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Ling Lu

1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

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1 Hepatobiliary Center of the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Research Unit of Liver Transplantation and Transplant Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China

∗ Corresponding author nc.ude.umjn@gnilvl 2 These authors contributed equally 3 Technical contact 4 Lead contact Copyright © 2022 The Author(s)

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Regulatory T cells (Tregs) can inhibit the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and increase the activation threshold of the immune response. Here, we present schemes for the isolation and culture of natural human regulatory T cells (nTregs) and in vitro-induced Tregs (iTregs). Appropriate concentrations of TGF-β, IL-2, retinoic acid (atRA), and rapamycin were used to promote proliferation to meet sample needs in basic research, especially in technologies such as sequencing.

For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Lu et al. (2014a) and Gu et al. (2022).

Subject areas: Cell biology, Cell culture, Cell isolation, Immunology

Graphical abstract

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Isolation and culture of human natural regulatory T cells (nTregs) Isolation and culture of human in vitro-induced Tregs (iTregs) Assays for immunosuppressive function of Tregs

Publisher’s note: Undertaking any experimental protocol requires adherence to local institutional guidelines for laboratory safety and ethics.

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) can inhibit the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and increase the activation threshold of the immune response. Here, we present schemes for the isolation and culture of natural human regulatory T cells (nTregs) and in vitro-induced Tregs (iTregs). Appropriate concentrations of TGF-β, IL-2, retinoic acid (atRA), and rapamycin were used to promote proliferation to meet sample needs in basic research, especially in technologies such as sequencing.

Before you begin

Tregs play important roles in autoreactive lymphocyte suppression and regulation of immune homeostasis. This protocol describes a procedure to extract nTreg and naive CD4 + T cells from the peripheral blood of volunteers and induce their expansion.

Due to the low content of nTreg in peripheral blood, we usually extract 100 mL peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocyte cells from the peripheral blood of a single volunteer and then further extract nTreg. To consider the experimental cost, we will extract 100 mL of peripheral blood from volunteers and extract naïve CD4 + T cells (Lu et al., 2010).

Selecting the appropriate culture environment and culture system, and adding the appropriate concentration of cytokines, such as IL-10, TGF-β, atRA, and rapamycin (Lu et al., 2014b), are essential for inducing and expanding Tregs (Lu et al., 2014a). Therefore, before starting, the reagents and equipment listed in the following and attached key resources table should be prepared.

All research work can only be carried out after obtaining the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Institutional permissions

Peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes from normal volunteers were obtained from the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University under protocols approved by the ethics committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (2021-SRFA-346).

Preparation of Tregs isolation and culture

Contact volunteers in advance with precautions and signed informed consent forms according to local ethics committee requirements.

Check the equipment status and consumables expiration date.

Dispense the following required reagents into the corresponding solutions and store them in aliquots.

Note: Transfer of volunteer blood to the laboratory requires a transfer box and ice packs.

Key resources table

Alexa Fluor® 647 anti-human FOXP3 Antibody (clone 206D) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 320114, RRID: AB_439753
APC anti-human CD45RA Antibody (clone HI100) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 304112, RRID: AB_314415
APC anti-human CD8a Antibody (clone RPA-T8) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 301014, RRID: AB_314132
Brilliant Violet 510™ anti-human CD4 Antibody (clone OKT4) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 357420, RRID: AB_2561377
FITC anti-human CD127 (IL-7Rα) Antibody (clone A019D5) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 351312, RRID: AB_10933247
FITC anti-human CD4 Antibody (clone OKT4) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 357406, RRID: AB_571950
PE anti-human CD25 Antibody (clone BC96) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 302606, RRID: AB_314275
PerCP/Cyanine5.5 anti-human CD25 Antibody (clone M-A251) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 302626, RRID: AB_2561978
PerCP/Cyanine5.5 anti-human CD4 Antibody (clone RPA-T4) (Working dilution: 1:100)BioLegendCat # 357414, RRID: AB_893328
Biological samples
Human bloodHealthy volunteers, male and female, aged 18–65 yearsApproved by the ethics committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (2021-SRFA-346)
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
CellTrace™ CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit, for flow cytometryInvitrogenC34554
Dimethyl Sulfoxide, 950 mLThermo Scientific20688
Dynabeads™ Human T-Activator CD3/CD28Gibco11132D
eBioscience™ Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining PBS SetInvitrogen00-5523-00
Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer (FACS buffer)Invitrogen00-4222-26
LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell StainInvitrogenL34976
Lymphocyte Serum-Free MediumCorning88-581-CM
Lymphoprep™STEMCELLCat # 07851
PBS (1×)Gibco20012027
Recombinant Human IL-2PeproTechCat # 200-02
Recombinant Human TGF-beta 1 ProteinR&DCat # 240-B-002
Retinoic acidMCEHY-14649
Trypan Blue Stain (0.4%)Gibco15250061
Critical commercial assays
CD127 MicroBead Kit, humanMiltenyi BiotecCat # 130-094-945
CD4 + CD25 + Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, humanMiltenyi BiotecCat # 130-091-301
CD8 MicroBeads, humanMiltenyi BiotecCat # 130-045-201
Human interleukin-10 (IL-10) ELISA KitJingmeiJM-03221H1
Human transforming growth factorβ1TGF-β 1 ELISA KITJingmeiJM-03245H1
Mini&MidiMACS TM Starting Kits (MS, LS)Miltenyi BiotecCat #130-042-501
Naive CD4 + T Cell Isolation Kit II, humanMiltenyi BiotecCat # 130-094-131
Software and algorithms
FlowJo 10.6.1BD
GraphPad Prism 9GraphPad Inc
10 mL serological pipetteLabsecetSP-003-10
96 Well Cell Culture ClusterCorningCat # 3599
Anticoagulation Solution (Sodium citrate)JIERUI
BD FACS ARIA II SORP (Special Order Research Product)BDFACS Aria™ II
Beckman Allegra X-15R Benchtop CentrifugeBeckman Counter8043-30-1206
Blood Collection TubesBD367525
Centrifuge tube, 15 mLLabsecetCT-002-15
Centrifuge tube, 50 mLLabsecetCT-002-50
Countess™ 3 Automated Cell CounterInvitrogenAMQAX2000
Countess™ Cell Counting Chamber SlidesInvitrogenC10228
Finnpipette 9501 C1 Pipet Controller, 1–100 MLThermo ScientificCN-22800-20
Forma™ Direct Heat CO2 Incubator, 184 LThermo Scientific320
MCS®+ 9000 Mobile Platelet Collection SystemHaemonetics
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Disposable SetHaemoneticsCat #0971E-00
25cm 2 Rectangular Canted Neck Cell Culture Flask with Plug Seal CapCorningCat # 430168
Corning 75cm 2 Rectangular Canted Neck Cell Culture Flask with Plug Seal CapCorningCat # 430720
Round Bottom Polystyrene TubesFalcon352054

Step-by-step method details

Isolation of natural human regulatory T cells (nTregs)

Timing: 3 h for extracting human peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes, 3 h for separating nTregs

In this step, human peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes were first extracted by MCS®+ 9000 Mobile Platelet Collection System, and then human nTregs were purified by magnetically activated cell sorting (MACS). Alternatively, you can get commercially available buffy coats and skip step 1.

Use MCS®+ 9000 Mobile Platelet Collection System to extract 100 mL PBMCs from the peripheral blood of volunteers.

Fully mix PBS and PBMCs with the same volume in centrifuge tubes.

Place the same volume of lymphoprep ™ below the mixing solution. Indeed the PBS: PBMC is layered ON TOP of the Lymphoprep solution and not vice versa.

CRITICAL: Due to solution density issues, take care of the Lymphoprep™. Make sure it is not mixed with blood and PBS before centrifugation.

Take the middle white film layer after centrifugation (393 g, 23 min, acceleration 0, acceleration 0, 4°C) ( Figure 1 A).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is gr1.jpg

Isolation of natural human regulatory T cells (nTregs) (A) Human peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes (PBMCs) were sorted from samples extracted by MCS®+ 9000 Mobile Platelet Collection System. (B) The number of cells obtained by magnetic column sorting at each step. On the first negative selection (NS) step, CD127 - cells were sorted from PBMCs. On the second negative selection step, CD4 + CD127 - cells were got. On the third positive selection (PS) step, CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - nTregs were finally received. (C) The purity of CD4 + CD127 - cells were identified after NS selection, and the purity of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - nTregs were identified after PS selection on day 0. (D) State of nTregs after selection on day 0 under the microscope (10×).

Wash by adding one volume of PBS (167 g, 5 min, acceleration 9, deceleration 9, 4°C), and collect the cell pellet. (e.g., 1 mL leukocyte suspension with 1 mL PBS).

Add the same volume of PBS as the supernatant, and repeat step.1.d 3–5 times until the liquid was clear.

Collect all the cell pellets and count PBMCs.

Note: All of the work with Lymphoprep needs to be at 25°C. Temperature fluctuations will result in poor separation. And all subsequent work (after PBMC isolation) is performed ‘ON ICE’.